*~*The Summer*~*

week 1 specialist/supervisor training
week 2 counselor training

Hope Sertoma
session 1 adults with special needs underpriveledged kids
session 2 adults with special needs underpriveledged kids
session 3 kids with special needs underpriveledged kids
session 4 adults with special needs underpriveledged & speech/hearing impaired kids
session 5 Courage/Running Brave Lion's Den
session 6 2 weeks for adults with special needs underpriveledged & speech/hearing impaired kids
session 7 underpriveledged & speech/hearing impaired kids

The Outdoor Laboratory is divided into two separate camp cabin areas-- one for Hope and one for Sertoma. The camps function more or less independently, with shared specialists and activity areas. Camp Hope runs three week-long session for adults with special needs, a two-week session for adults and one week-long session for kids with special needs. It is also transformed for one week into Camp Courage/ Running Brave, a session of camp for children with cancer, hemophilia, and other blood disorders. Camp Sertoma runs five one-week sessions for children from underprivileged homes and children who are deaf/ hearing impaired. It is transformed for one week into Camp Lion�s Den, a camp for children who are blind/ visually impaired.

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